(Written by, Angela Kaye Mason)
That's a wild one for ya. They are going to pass a bill so that anyone who attacks a person just because of their sexual orientation will face federal charges. ''The bill is named for Matthew Shepard, a gay Wyoming teenager who died after being kidnapped and severely beaten in October 1998, and James Byrd Jr., an African-American man dragged to death in Texas the same year.''Apparently Bush vetoed this idea, and OBama is expected to sign it into law.
Now, before you think I am a prejudice, non-caring, hardhearted holier-than-thou,hear me out. I do NOT agree with attacking anyone, for ANY reason. I do not care what color, sexual preference, religion, whatever, you may be, NO ONE deserves to be assaulted. Remember....they wanted to stone the woman for adultery, in the Bible. She was brought before Jesus. He refused to sign that particular bill into law, so to speak. He said''Those without sin, cast the first stone.'' I am NOT without sin. Neither are you. So, no stones should be flying...period.
Here is my issue with this bill.Why should only attacks due to you being gay, or your race, or religion, or whatever be included in this? Should it not be a federal offense to EVER assault ANYONE? I have been in an abusive relationship before. Trust me, it was a hate crime. So how will it be determined what is hate crime and what is not?
Any time you assault anyone for any reason, it is a crime. Should be. But, I guess TOLERANCE is the issue here. Every cause and movement needs it's MARTAR'S I guess. They all need to feel victimized to further their agenda. I wonder why though, why is only Christians and Right wing conservatives guilty of HATE CRIMES and HATE SPEECH lately. As long as they are bashing us, it's called Freedom of Speech. But, when we speak out in opposition to pretty much ANYTHING. It's called HATE SPEECH or HATE CRIMES........We'll that's my TWO CENTS.
Angie & Tim... Amen!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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