Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Care Bill Link To The Mark of the Beast

I have seen MANY websites and articles for and against the Health Care Bill. I have read hundreds of comments from people giving their opinions since it is my job to write articles on the hot topics in the news. One comment called the people who were against the bill 'stupid' and said most of us probably had not even read it. They were right about that part. The bill is almost 2000 pages long and very hard to understand.

In response to articles about the chip that is going to be implanted in the skin as a requirement of the healthcare is real, people, it is called 'Veri-chip' and many people have said it was ludicrous to think it would ever happen. Others cannot understand why it is such a frightening thing to anyone. Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
      Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
      Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)
NOW GO BACK AND READ THE WIKIPEDIA DEFINITION AGAIN!!! IT SAYS...."About twice the length of a dime, the device is typically implanted between the shoulder and elbow area of an individual’s right hand."

Now do you think this cannot happen? Well I looked through a copy of the health care bill that I FINALLY found online. Whether or not it is the entire bill I do not know. It is, as I said very hard to understand...but this part seemed pretty clear:
 under paragraph (1) are that such standards shall,
 to the extent practicable—
‘‘(A) be unique with no conflicting or redundant standards;
 ‘‘(B) be authoritative, permitting no additions or constraints for electronic transactions,
 including companion guides;
 ‘‘(C) be comprehensive, efficient and robust, requiring minimal augmentation by paper
 transactions or clarification by further communications;
‘‘(D) enable the real-time (or near real
time) determination of an individual’s financial
 responsibility at the point of service and, to the
 extent possible, prior to service, including
 whether the individual is eligible for a specific
 service with a specific physician at a specific facility, on a specific date or range of dates, include utilization of a machine-readable health
plan beneficiary identification card or similar

This sounds to me as if they are saying that they will determine if you are eligible for healthcare, and what type of care, what doctor, what hospital, on what date you are allowed to have it. And the way they will determine this is by a machine readable ID Card OR SIMILAR MECHANISM. (VeriChip here we come!!)

For those who do not understand why any of this is a problem....who think the Veri-chip actually sounds like a good can after all make medical records of unconscious people available in seconds, keep up with Alzheimer's patients, rid the need for cash(it can be used just like a debit card) locate missing children who have been implanted, and many other seemingly great things. So you may wonder "What's so bad about that?" Revelation 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
Revelation 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. 

For those reading this who do not believe in God, I am sorry, I truly am. I cannot understand how anyone can watch the events, which were prophesied in the Bible THOUSANDS of years ago, happening right in front of your eyes and still not see. I am not writing this to offend anyone or their beliefs. I am writing because it is what I am called to do. It burns like fire shut up in my bones..and I HAVE to tell whomever hath an ear to hear....God please let them hear. I do not write out of judgment, I write out of love, my heart hurts for those who do not know, and will not see, my eyes tear and my heart bleeds for you.

For those who think I am making this stuff up, I have included links to back up what I am saying. My daddy is a preacher. He taught me from the pulpit when I was very small not to EVER take anything that any preacher said to me as truth without getting my Bible out and seeing for myself. He said, "That goes for me too, Angie, if I tell you something, you look it up!" I still stand by that, and I have searched for days before bringing this to anyone who will listen. And I bring you the same challenge: Don't take anything I say as fact, LOOK IT UP FOR YOURSELF. I'm just here trying to make people who may not see yet aware of what is happening. I am not trying to stop it. We cannot stop it. GOD said it would happen and it WILL. I am simply trying to help everyone get through it without losing their souls....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Obama Signs Healthcare Bill: US States To Sue Federal Government

Within 24 hours of the passing of Obama's "Health care Reform" Bill, eleven states had already announced their intentions to sue the federal government. Since then many people have voiced their opinions against this bill, and their fears about the way in which it was passed. One person even stated that this should not be called a health care reform bill, because it does reform health care, it just makes it possible for the government to control health care. Many Americans are strongly opposed to the bill, and are making their concerns known. Even on the House floor the opposing party was sometimes loud in voicing feelings.

Now at least 11 states have already declared their intentions to sue. Many others are likely to follow as there were at least 38 states who announced their intention to sue if the bill passed. According to reports, Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum is going to file a lawsuit on behalf of 10 states against the U.S. Government for passing the "Health Care Reform"Bill. The reason for the suit is their overall conviction that the bill is directly against the constitution. "The health care reform legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last night clearly violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on each state's sovereignty," McCollum said during a news conference. McCollum views mandatory health insurance as a penalty on living, according to CNN.

Virginia is also stating intentions to sue, according to the Virginia Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli. "If a person decides not to buy health insurance, that person by definition is not engaging in commerce," Cuccinelli said in recorded comments. "If you are not engaging in commerce, how can the federal government regulate you?" He also added that Congress does not have the authority to force American citizens to buy insurance.

While many are obviously in favor of the bill, it seems as though the voice of the citizens were not heard. An Executive order which is said to be meaningless is the reason the bill was voted in  by Democrats who were voting "No" until it was signed. Almost 4/5 of the states promised to sue if the bill passed, and while every member of the bill's opposing party voted against it, several members of the party in favor of the bill voted against their own party. Though many who oppose the bill are seriously hoping they are wrong in their feelings, the facts say what they say.

The lawsuit by McCullum is to be filed once Obama signs the bill into law, which he is doing as this is being typed. He stated that he is signing the bill into law on behalf of his mother, who battled cancer, and named many others who were in attendance and had health issues. One was an eleven year old boy who lost his mom to an illness and did not have insurance. Obama mentioned Theodore Roosevelt, as well as Ted Kennedy. The president implied that the "Overheated Rhetoric" that has been strongly against the bill will now give place to reality. He signed it on behalf of many people who do not have insurance now. What the opposing party wonders is: How are you helping people who cannot afford health insurance by FORCING them to buy health insurance? It seems we will all have to wait and see how this will work.

UPDATE (Attorney General Bill McCollum filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against the Federal Government, FOR 13 STATES BRINGING THE TOTAL TO 14, alleging the Health Care Reform Law signed by the President Barack Obama is unconstitutional, his office said.
According to Attorney General McCollum’s office, several other State Attorneys General joined Florida’s lawsuit, which is the first challenging the new law, filed today in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida.
“This lawsuit should put the Federal Government on notice that Florida will not permit the constitutional rights of our citizens and the sovereignty of our state to be ignored or disregarded,” said Attorney General McCollum, who was joined by Attorneys General from South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, Louisiana, Alabama, Colorado, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Washington, Idaho, and South Dakota.)

Health Care Bill Has Spawned 'Fire Nancy Pelosy' Cause

"Freedom Died A Little Bit Today"

The passing of President Obama's Health Care Bill has left many Americans in shock. For the first time they are saying they understand what it is to have their desires and needs totally ignored in favor of the government's will. While it was supposed to be a bi-partisan decision, not a single member of the opposing party voted in favor of the bill, and several members of the party in favor of the bill-voted against it.

Tom Delay stated that this was Congress's total disregard of the American people and he has never seen anything like it. He added that Pelosi's speech has left Congress held in the worst disregard in the history of the United States. "Not only did they not listen to the American people, they shredded and trashed the Constitution and then stood there on the floor of the house and lied to the American people...You didn't see the Phoenix rising out of the ashes, you saw the Constitution being burned by the Democrats in the House of Representatives tonight."

The speech by Pelosi, as well as her tactics to get representatives to vote in her and Obama's favor has spawned a new cause known as "Fire Nancy Pelosi". It seems to be the newest agenda of the Republican party, to get her out. Fire Nancy ( is encouraging voters to replace many of the Democrats with Republicans in the upcoming fall elections, which would, of course result in "No Madame Speaker" or "Fire Nancy Pelosi."

For those who may not understand how the process works in the United States, a very basic breakdown is this: the people of each state tell their representative what they want, and trust those representatives to go to Congress and voice their desires by voting the way they citizens wanted. However, with this bill, it is being said that many representatives voted against what the people wanted in order to get favors , such as better jobs, more representation, and such.

So what is the uproar about the bill? Well it is the first time in history that Americans have been forced to buy a service. It will now be mandatory for each and every citizen of the United States to buy health insurance, which many are explaining goes against the Constitution. The words of the Constitution says American people citizens be forced to buy something.  If the citizen does not purchase the health insurance that is required by the government, then they will be fined up hefty amounts each year on their taxes. The government is so adamant about forcing the Americans to buy the service, that they are going to hire over 16,000 IRS agents to enforce the law. On a monthly basis, the government will watch to be sure that every American has government approved health insurance.

Many Americans who do not have health insurance at this time have no choice. They simply cannot afford it. Now they are wondering how they will pay for health insurance when they are barely able to pay their bills. Their thoughts are "How many Americans are now going to have to choose between buying the government required insurance, or having food on the table?" With many Americans out of work, the economy in a mess, the fact that this bill will raise taxes, force each citizen to buy something they may not be able to afford, and cut into Medicaid and such, seems very hard to understand.

The bill also favors abortion, allowing federal money to fund abortion, which many Americans are against. There are more spiritual voices rising against the bill as well. It is very much against may people's religious beliefs to have an abortion, yet they are being forced to pay taxes that will fund the procedures. In the final hour the president did sign an Executive Order saying that no funds from the bill would be used for abortion. This persuaded several Democrats who were against abortion to change their "No" votes to a "yes." About a half dozen House Democrats, led by Rep. Bart Stupak worked to have abortion removed from the bill. That was the answer they got, and it was enough to change their vote. This is essential, since the bill was passed with a difference of only a few votes. If these Democrats had voted 'no' it is most likely that the bill would not have made it through. The odd fact about this is that an Executive Order is the word of a man. It will NOT override a law. The bill that has just passed is now a law, and the words in it which allow for the federal funds to pay for abortions, completely wipes out any Executive Order. Some are saying this means that order is of no more importance than a blog entry, or it isn't worth the paper it is printed on. But it got the votes...

There are obviously many people in favor of this bill, and it is likely that those people will argue the points made here. Many are saying that the American voice was not against the bill and suggesting that only a few news sources are inciting panic by stating this was against what the citizens wanted. While there are admittedly many in favor of the bill, it was passed by only a few votes, which had been swayed in the last moments by an Executive Order which has no power over the bill. Add that to the fact that over 30 states have already announced that they intend to take action against the federal government to fight this bill and it seems this was not what the majority wanted. Virginia is state # 1 to say it will sue the government, because the bill goes against citizen rights given to them by the Constitution. Before the bill passed over 38 states had said they would do so. Within a few hours of the bill passing, over 30 states are already stepping up.

There are many other reasons that Americans are worried about this bill. It is cutting into the funds which help take care of the elderly and disabled by a huge amount. They are also afraid of the fact that it will cut into the deficit, which is already in crisis. Citizens also feel that it is just the beginning of the government taking over more and more of their rights and desires. It is very frightening to them to see that the government can pass a bill that the citizens were so against. In one Congresswoman, Marcha Blackburn's words, "Freedom died a little bit today."

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