Sunday, October 3, 2010

“Political Correctness” FAIL

“Political Correctness” FAIL, by Angela Kaye Mason

I have a close friend, whose name I won’t mention, who simply doesn’t get me. When in public, I embarrass him, because I say what I think, not loudly, not rudely, and not specifically to  the person I am speaking of, but yep, I voice my opinion. I know....whodda thunk it?

I was in Walmart with this friend once, and the man standing behind us in line was talking loudly on his cell phone. He was obviously upset and in a heated argument with the person on the other end of the phone call. My naturally inquisitive mind would have loved to know just what was going on, but there was one problem....he was yelling in Chinese! (or Japanese, or some “ese” whatever the case may be.)

I tried, I really did. I knew how “politically correct” my friend is. I knew he would want me to do just as he was doing, and stand there quietly, pretending not to hear. But, as many of you know, I have panic issues in crowds anyway, and so, full of nervous tension, and simple being my usual “I don’t care what people think” self....I started laughing, and whispered..”I think he is cussing someone out in Chinese!”

No one could hear me. If they could, they were probably thinking it sounded just as funny as I did...but for some unknown reason, God chose to gift me  with the nerve to say something, to laugh at what was funny, to say what I was thinking. My friend was appalled. “Shhhhhh, Angie, please stop.” Geesh, I hadn’t even gotten started yet...but I stopped. After all, I may be all guts and glory when it comes to voicing my mind, but I stink at confrontations...he wants me to stop, I stop.

Political correctness...the need to censor what we say as opposed to what we are thinking for fear we might “offend” someone. Ugg! Basically, taking away our freedom of speech and creating highly sensitive, easily offended Americans. What brilliant mind came up with that idea? I decided to research it. I looked it up. Inquiring minds want to know, after all. I was expecting some “Grand PooBah of Lefthanded Politics” to be the guilty party. Boy was I wrong.

What I found has given me even more anger against my own gender than I already had over the whole apple thing. (Seriously, Eve, no fruit in the world was worth all this!) It was not a politician, not a government official who first demanded “Political Correctness”, it was the feminists!

Now I have already expressed my opinion on feminism loud and clear in a prior blog post. I am sure it made many women hate me....oh well. The post speaks of what a great gift we have, America, which our “Daddy” gave us, and we broke it. I describe how America began to fall, and some of what started it all. Here is an excerpt from that article:

“Look back a few years shall we? Its the 1950's. Mama stays home, cares for the kids,cooks, cleans, pretty much has it made. Daddy goes to work, handles the discipline, pays the bills, HEADS THE HOUSE! Now..I know a few women will hate me for this , but here we go. They just HAD to fight for equal rights. Forgetting what the Bible said, forgetting that God put man as the head of the house , not to degrade us, but so that we could be in our natural, caring, nurturing role in a safe, protected environment. They had to try to improve it.

So they fought, and they won. We, as women , had it made, but it wasn't good enough. Now, with the economy crashing, more women are working than men. More kids are in jail, on drugs, in gangs. Children are growing up with a confused sense of gender-roles and believing they were ''born gay''. More abortions are taking place, sometimes simply because a woman doesn't want a child to interrupt her career. Others are because of immorality, whether by promiscuous actions, rape, etc. The Catholic church has just decided to accept homosexuality in the church and approve of same sex marriage.

So we now have reversed gender roles, abortions, gangs taking over cities, children killing children, crushed economy, government trying to cost people more money while everyone is losing their jobs, immorality is not just accepted, it is now welcome in our churches, and even in small town America, it is not safe to walk down the street.”

Well guess what? Those same feminists apparently started the ball rolling which has almost led to the complete erasure of our freedom of speech. Feminists first began, in the 1960s, that the neutral pronouns “he, him and his be replaced with expressions like "he or she", "him or her", "them", etc. They argued that no one would be able to understand that the masculine gender included the feminine gender in neutral contexts. But this was just part of their campaign to redefine the social roles traditionally associated with masculinity and femininity. (I think I am still allowed to speak out against this, since I am, after all, a woman.)

Pretty soon, this idea expanded far past a few feminist who were offended at the English language and it’s established use of pronouns. At one time, it was perfectly acceptable to say someone was “crippled”. Soon, people such as Bob Dole  began to feel this was degrading, and changed it to “handicapped”. Soon, that too offended someone and then the word was “disabled”. Now, even that is offensive, and we have to say things like “physically challenged.”

Another example of political correctness in the “Urban Dictionary” is as follows, “Jamal was offended by me calling him a perverted gay fairy black boy all strung out on crack. The politically correct thing to say would be that Jamal is leading an acceptable alternative lifestyle as an African-American homosexual who has the disease of drug addiction.”

So here we are, America. One of our own citizens has been forced into hiding because she had the nerve to draw a cartoon which expressed her feelings. It is no longer allowed for us to speak out against a religious group who came into our own country and killed over 3000 American citizens, some of whom were crushed to death, some who burned to death, and some who jumped to their own deaths to avoid being crushed under molten metal. I do not like the people who did this. I do not like their religion. I do not support their beliefs. I feel it is an abomination to have them in our country, and I AM NOT ALONE. I am just one of the few with the nerve to say what I think. The few, the proud, the POLITICALLY INCORRECT!

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