(Written by, Angela Kaye Mason)
I can't pretend to know very much about this new Health Care Reform thingy the president is pushing so hard. I mean , after all, from what I understand it is many many pages long and not even all the people who are voting on it have probably read and understand it all. When it was first introduced, I thought it was supposed to help those of us who cannot afford health care to get it. Of course I was already skeptical. The country is falling apart, the economy is broke...and can't get fixed. Social Security, Welfare, etc, is already in crisis. How could we possibly add any more help to the poor?
I have friends who were all for it, and from their point of view I guess I understand. They wanted to lower the costs of the Health care they are already paying for. They wanted the Government to step in and force Insurance Companies to give customers what they are paying for, instead of refusing treatment to people who have had their policies for years, and missed the fine print, or didnt understand the ''clauses'' the company used to get out of the help the customers were due. It all sounds pretty good...just the little bit I am able to address in the blog.
Here is my issue with it all. I saw in a newscast last week, that the reform that is going through now, says that every American will have to have Health Insurance the same way we have to have car insurance. That to NOT have it will cost the citizen ''small penalties'' or fines just like the tickets we get for driving without insurance. The reporter, who I actually like, but did not agree with on this one, even stated that he felt it would not work because the ''young'' people would just decide to pay the penalties and not get insurance, thus leaving the older more responsible people to foot the bill, and Healthcare costs would just rise even more.
All of the opinions are forgetting one important detail. Some of us are not CHOOSING to not have insurance now. We don't NEED the government of this ''free'' country to force us to have insurance. If we could afford it, we would already have it. In 2000 I was diagnosed with lyme disease. I also don't produce enough blood so I am almost always anemic. My normal blood pressure after activities is 90/60. I have had to have blood transfusions, and cannot afford the treatment I need now. Trust me, if I could afford healthcare., I'd have it. no one would have to force it on me.And they are saying that this reform would make it more affordable. I actually laughed out loud at this one, because, as I said , it shows that they have NO idea what it's like for the real people out here.There are people I know personally who cannot afford to feed their family...literally. We can't afford to go to doctors, and we don't. They want to make us have insurance that we won't use because we will never go to the doctor unless it is life threatening. That is how we live. We can't afford it..period. I don't have enough to pay my bills now...so even if they could make it only 5 bucks a week....which they won't...I don't have it. And what happens to those who can't afford the ''small fee''? Do we go to jail? Get probation? Owe the courts/government even more? Brilliant idea for decreasing the deficit by getting money from poor people. Terrible idea for helping poor people have healthcare.
I personally don't agree with this so-called health reform mainly because it is another way our Government will Intrude into our lives and dictate to us what their best interest is for us. How much government is too much government? This country is headed quickly towards SOCIALISM. We will have what and only what our wonderful government allows us to have. KISS FREEDOM GOODBYE ALONG WITH THE CONSTITUTION!!!
I overheard a news cast tonite reporting how some town in San Franscisco (I only caught bits and pieces) has now made it a LAW that citizen's have to separate their trash and ''compost''. There are stiff fines for those who don't comply. The reasons are good...the compost is recycled and used as fertilizer, cuts down on county waste, and it actually saved the restaurant owners thousands in garbage fees. Local farmers were happy because the compost made their crops healthy. Trouble is...I am not sure how to feel. Outraged that the government is forcing people dispose of trash in a certain way...or sad that we aren't smart enough to do so on our own?
The government wants a person to have insor be fined.Great getting to pay a fine I dont have for ins I dont have and cant fford to pay for either one.Whats wrong with this picture.And why dont the dear old government take a look at the ripoff tactics the hospitals use.Like $12.00 for 2 OTC tylenol,$5.00 for a bandaide,$20.00+ for a pair of crutches.Billed for the wheelchair ride down to the lobby whenever you check out.Next time you leave a hospital get an itemized bill.Those litle footies the give you to keep your feet warm are like $7.00.Now if that aint aripoff I dont knw what is.And some stuff you will be charged for that you didnt even use.Maybe just MAYBE if the ins companys would drop their rates and the hospitals wouldnt literally rape you us Po Folk could afford some sembalance of health ins.But until thenwe will continue to either go to second rate clinics,get substandard care,not to mention get treated like lepers by the staff there,or sit for 12+ hours just to see a nurse practitioner that dont tell you crap except that you need to schedule an appt with the "doctor" after youve sat all day to see the P.A.Then your told that the earliest appt they have for the doctor is 2 months away.naa Obama we dont want ins we can afford.Please allow us to keep paying and waiting and sitting and returning and Oh yeah DYING because we dont have health ins.Then ad insult to injury and giveus a nice government mandated fine.Yeah there we go thatll fix all us po folks.Yeah Thanks Ang well written...
"so even if they could make it only 5 bucks a week....which they won't...I don't have it."
There's your REAL problem right there... you don't WANT to pay AT ALL (no matter how cheap it is) and yet at the same time you think you're "Entitled" to services that will still end up being paid for by somebody else, don't forget, "because You are Poor..." so it looks like it's still FREE for u and any other, Lazy, entitled American.
America is a great country because it's a place where "IF YOU WORK HARD you can possibly live your dream" but now, you're actually complaining that America isn't "giving (i.e.welfare) you enough of what you "deserve". You don't work,you don't eat- get it? And that's why we're a Great country because some ppl actually sacrificed food for success and made it - and now you think he's "greedy" and you want HIM to pay for your sickness!!! While you complain and "rant" about how you don't have $5 to contribute to your OWN healthcare YET I see you have lots of "blog" time and enough $$$ to pay that Internet bill, don't you??????? Get up, stop complaining and get a job...a second one if you have one already because you have tooooo much time on your hands and remember, you're poor & sick, so you need the money!
U call yourselves the right but your harping from the left!
Well there seems to be a reading comprehension problem afoot! Did anyone else perceive this as me begging you to pay my bills, or simply an American using my freedom of speech to express that I do not want to be FORCED to buy insurance that I cannot afford to use?And many people are paid to blog..who says Im not??lol Seriously..its none of your business..but I am not on welfare..my job is online..so the internet is kinda a necessity dontcha think?since you are so worried that my bills get paid. This is the third personal attack anonymously made here.The introduction to this blog states that profanity and hate is not allowed. SO lets play nice shall we children...no personal attacks are welcome. And maybe read thoroughly before commenting.....Mr/Ms ANONYMOUS.
I just wanted to take the time to add an update here. Since writing this blog, I have been blessed with a great opportunity to work as a Freelance Writer with Odesk.com. When I was first hired they had no benefits at all, but recently they have made insurance, 401K, and tax with holding available to full time employees. Of course, now that I have a choice, I will be taking advantage of these terrific offers, as soon as I get everything caught up. This update is not so much to toot my own horn as it is to thank God, who has blessed me so much lately. I am coming up, slowly but surely, and each step is truly amazing!
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