Sunday, September 12, 2010

Souls of September...tribute to 911 by Angela Kaye Mason

The poem "Souls of September" was written by me a few days after September 11, 2001. The song "Mad World" being sung by me in the background of the video was written by Roland Orzabal.

Souls of September

Twas September eleventh and all thru the land
Not a person was dreaming they'd attack where we stand
Two buildings were standing built safely with care
Never thinking two airplanes one day would be there
Some people were working all snug at their desks
Never knowing their bodies would soon lay to rest
Others were flying high up in the sky
Without any idea that their end had drawn nigh
Then all of a sudden without warning or hope
They used our own airplanes like it was a joke
To descend on those buildings all flooded with life
And crash thru twin towers to cause pain and strife
Some people were crushed in the weight of it all
And some wandered aimlessly no one to call
But God up in heaven looked down on this land
And while angels shed tears , He reached down His hand
To take home His children , He knew them by name
As He knew who had planned this and who flew the planes
As America counted victims in pain and disbelief ,
Angels counted all the souls that heaven had received
And as we tried to find the names of those who did the deed
Satan snatched the souls of those who died for power and greed
Now God will grant us vengence , as He did in days of old
And without any mercy He will judge terroristic souls
So I say to all survivors , and soldiers with war in site
God's vengeance to all and to all a good fight
by, Angela Kaye Mason
I wrote this a few days after the tragic events of September 11, 2001


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