It’s all over Facebook , “President Obama has decided that there will no longer be a “National Day of Prayer” held in May. He doesn’t want to offend anybody. Where was his concern about offending Christians last January when he allowed the Muslims to hold a day of prayer on the capitol grounds. As a Christian American “I am offended.” if you agree copy and paste no matter what religion you are, this country was built on Freedom!!!”
And then there are the comebacks, “Not entirely true……..” showing that the message is not entirely correct, as it is written. The President did not cancel the entire day, he couldn’t even if he wanted to. A government can make laws about where you pray out loud, but they will never be able to stop anyone from praying- anywhere, anytime they wish, even if it is silent prayer.While it is true that prayer in America is under attack, no, President Barack Obama did not cancel the National Day of Prayer. What he DID do is announce the decision to cancel any observance of the day in the White House. There will be no prayer meeting at the White House as was tradition before Obama came into office. He made the same announcement last year.
Since much of American history has been removed from the history books, it is quite possible that some will disagree, but The National Day of Prayer is a very vital part of the nation’s heritage. The first call by the government for American citizens too pray was sent out by Congress in 1775, asking the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation. The very nation which now tries to claim that American forefathers did not intend for the citizens to mix prayer and government. The very same government which took a letter from Thomas Jefferson , cut out the words, “separation of church and state” and made it a law that America cannot have anything in it’s school and government buildings to imply religion. When these words were first written, school and church was held in the very same building, and the intent was to never allow government to make any rules about church, or religious beliefs.
The request from government for Americans to pray has continued since then all throughout history, such as when Lincoln proclaimed a day of “humiliation, fasting, and prayer” in 1863. A joint resolution between Congress, which was signed by President Truman declared that there would be a National Day of Prayer, to be held annually. In 1988, President Reagan amended the law, and permanently set the day as the first Thursday in every May. It is a law, which means President Obama would have to amend or repeal it in order to cancel the entire day. He cannot wipe out a law with just an announcement…he would need to go though a similar ordeal as the one which passed the Health Care Reform.
The National Day of Prayer was meant as a day to recall and teach the way that America’s founding fathers looked to God for the wisdom they needed as a new baby nation. Despite Obama canceling the National Day of Prayer SERVICE, The 59th Annual National Day of Prayer will take place Thursday, May 6, 2010. Millions will unite in prayer at thousands of events across America. The theme for this year is “Prayer for Such a Time as This” and is based on the verse from Nahum 1:7 which states: “The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.” ( America is in much need of healing, and prayer is a good step towards getting there. “2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Any of you Obama supporters who read this, yea look what that man has done. what happened to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States? Huh? Where the hell did that go? It is a darn good amendment and there should be a day to pray. A national Holiday. I hope The President of the United States reads this. Guess what buddy, we are american people and we want a better lives for our children and our grandchildren. I may be in 8th grade but i know darn well that I am greatful for all the Lord has given me. I work 2 jobs and earn my own money that I put into my dirtbike because that is what I love to do. I work for my dreams and try hard in school. I have learned all that Government crap in Civics class and I am frankly fed up with all that you have to to this national holiday and all that you are doing. Helping out people in the US that sit around and that are unemployed. What has this world come to!!!! Work, and Honor of our servicemen and the work of the industry in this country. Thats what needs to be commended. Darn liberals. Thinkin we need "Rules of Engagement" over in Iraq. U wonder why men are dying, Cuz Private Ryan is sittin in his scout sniper observation post with a Barrett M82 .50 cal sniper rifle and he sees 200 Al Queda forces just dancing around out in front of him but NO. He cant shoot because of rules of engagement. Guess what buddy. Run this country right, or you and I are going to face the concequeces of YOUR mistakes!
@Logan....Wow. I am quite impressed with what you have said and the manner in which you have said it! I would love permission to quote your words! There is a scripture which says "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger."- Psalm 8:2 (KJV) Your comment made me think of that verse. And no I am not calling you a "baby" I am saying that your words have made me proud. It is wonderful to see America's youth standing up fir what they believe in!Thanks for your comment! ~Angela Kaye Mason-Writer~
Nice Post!
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