Tuesday, February 16, 2010

WARNING:PAYPAL IS INSANE!! Read their policies..ALL 5 zillion words!!

I just got off the phone with paypal, and am just a bit perturbed. No, sorry, that was a lie, I am downright angry and needed to vent. You see, several months ago I sold a few things on Ebay. I put a 30 day money back guarantee on the items. People bid, people won, people payed through paypal, I sent the items, at my own cost.I gave the buyers time to complain, and return the items if they were not happy. Once the guarantee time was over, I spent the money. (Well, to be straight up, I payed a light bill with it, and a couple of other bills that were getting behind.) After all of that, paypal sent me a notice that they are considering refunding money to someone who-AFTER  the 30 days, decided they didn't want the items. They assured me that the items would be returned to me and then, once a tracking number had been given to them, to prove my items were being returned to me, they were going to refund the money out of my paypal account. I was angry, and worried. There was no money in my paypal account.
 I called them, and explained to them that I would NOT be putting any money into the account, so if paypal refunded the money it was their loss. I told them that I had placed a money back guarantee on my listings that was long since over, and the money was spent. They told me to read the policy that I agreed to when I signed up for Ebay." It is IN the policy," they assured me, "that you agree to refund money if a customer is not satisfied, regardless of whether there is a guarantee posted on Ebay or not. (What some of you may not know is that Ebay and Paypal are partners, they work together.)
So, what this all meant was that I had, without reading the "policy," agreed that if anyone did not like their item, or just changed their mind, no matter how long it had been, that the money would be taken out of my paypal account. I was however, allowed a dispute. I disputed.
I was assured that paypal would look at my listing, consider the guarantee time period being over, and that I would not be charged anything until the items were returned to me IF I lost the dispute. I lost. So, I decided to let it go, maybe there actually was something wrong with the items, and maybe they just didn't get back online in time to make the 30 day time period. Trying to do the right thing, I let it go. I could sell the stuff at a flea market or something, and put the money back into the paypal account, so no biggie, right? WRONG!!!!
Paypal refunded the money from my empty account, which put me at a sizable negative balance. I never received the items, and I called paypal-again- to tell them I would not be paying a dime to refund for an item that had not been returned to me.
"Ma'am, you agreed to it," she stated calmly. " Oh no I did NOT," I told her," I VERY plainly told you at paypal that I would NOT be refunding any money, nor putting anymore back into my account, so if you refunded it was YOUR loss. You at paypal assured me you were "looking into it," and that IF I lost, you would make the buyer return the item before they could get their money back. NOTHING has been returned to me.  " Try going to Walmart," I told the girl on the phone for paypal, " and try to get a refund for a pair of shoes that you have not returned. The world does not work that way!" I exclaimed, extremely frustrated.
"Ma'am," she said again calmly," you did agree to it, read the policy you agreed to when you signed up for paypal."
So there ya go, it IS all my fault. I did not read a zillion quadrillion word policy before signing up for a paypal account, because, in the good, honest, trustworthy world in which I lived, I never dreamed I was agreeing to sell someone and item, and then return the money to them a few months later, and let them keep the item too. Well, the Bible says that if your brother asks for your coat, give him your cloak also, but I am not so sure this is what it meant. Either way, I suppose paypal will get what I get when I get it, in tiny little doses. And I guess the person who bought my items just learned a very dishonest but profitable use for Ebay and paypal, thanks to their insane policies.
I am proud of one thing though,I never really lost my temper, never cursed, the worst thing I said was: when the girl from paypal told me "It IS in the policy Ma'am,do me a favor, go look it up right now!" I told her,"Ma'am, I am a writer, do ME a favor, go google my name right now, Angela Kaye with a "e" Mason". I might not have the money to fight you in court, but I can let people know about paypal "policies."I am sure I can convince someone, somewhere to publish it all over the internet. You  might get your money back from me, but the written word can cost far more to paypal than what I owe."
~Angela Kaye Mason~


Anonymous said...

Heck Ang No you wont win.HOWEVER Id stick to the no item no refund.Tell them read your policy which states TANSTAAFL.That Means THERE AINT NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH.Tellem when the item is returned to you YOU will return money to them.CAll your local BBB and the Consumer reports Office and post it on a place called RIPOFF.COM.They dont play there.Good luck Love ya Mama.

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